This article describes SportsDataIO's procedure for covering NBA and NFL referees.
This endpoint provides a list of all NBA referees and some details about them, including name, experience, and college. In the existing endpoints, Games by Date and Box Score, the four referees assigned to officiate the game will be included with the following field names: CrewChiefID, UmpireID, RefereeID, AlternateID.
This endpoint provides a list of all NFL referees and some details able them, including name, experience, and college. In the existing endpoint, the referee assigned to officiate the game will be included with the following field name: RefereeID.
The NBA announces referees at approximately 9:00 am ET each morning and the data operations team will enter them as soon as possible after they are announced. A Crew Chief, Referee, and Umpire will be assigned for each game. In some instances, an Alternate referee will also be assigned. The team will monitor the status of each game's Referee Assignments in case of any unforeseen circumstances that prevent a referee from officiating in the game.
The NFL announces referees at approximately 2:00 pm ET on the Tuesday leading up to the upcoming week and the data operations team will enter them as soon as possible after they are announced. A Referee will be assigned for each game. The team will monitor the status of each game's Referee Assignments in case of any unforeseen circumstances that prevent a referee from officiating in the game.
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referees, NBA, nfl
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