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We offer an array of headshots options to meet clients' needs around availability and budget across all the major sports leagues.
Headshots are the property of the photographers that take them and the publishers that make them available, and as such we work with major providers to ensure that we have the best in licensed headshots.
Headshot Packages
Official Headshots:
The official headshots for the Big 4 leagues (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL) are provided via licensed third parties. These studio-shot images are delivered preseason, serving league documentation and promotional needs. These have transparent backgrounds. Examples can be seen here:
SportsDataIO can facilitate contact with the relevant third parties if required. Please contact us with your needs for a quote.
Converted Headshots:
We also offer, directly through our own API, converted headshots via our partnership with IMAGN. These are action photos that are cropped to headshot dimensions, and are available either with the original background, or with the background removed. These are available for the big four plus golf.
Here are examples both with and without backgrounds.
Without Background
With Background
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